PLOTINUS (204/5 - 270 CE) From Plotinus's Eneeads Behind the
variegated multiplicity of the visible world there is an ultimate unitary
source, "The One" (Greek: to hen), which is beyond experience and
empirical knowledge The concept of
Beauty relies on the notion of The One Eneead 1, Tractate 6, chapter 1 it
that gives comeliness to material forms and draws the ear to the sweetness
perceived in sounds, and what is the secret of the beauty there is in all that
derives from Soul? Is there some One
Principle from which all take their grace...? ... Almost everyone declares that the symmetry of parts towards each
other and towards a whole ... constitutes the beauty recognized by the eye ...
as indeed in all else, universally, the beautiful thing is essentially
symmetrical, patterned. ... Only a compound can be beautiful, never
anything devoid of parts; and only a whole; the several parts will have beauty,
not in themselves, but only as working together to give a comely total. Eneead 1, Tractate 6, chapter 2 All
shapelessness whose kind admits of pattern and form, as long as it remains
outside of Reason and Idea, is ugly by the very isolation from the ugly thing is something that has not been entirely mastered
by pattern, that is, by Reason, the Matter not yielding at all points and in
all respects to Ideal-Form. But where
the Ideal-Form has entered, it has grouped and coordinated what from a
diversity of parts was to become a unity:
it has rallied confusion into cooperation; it has made the sum one
harmonious coherence: for the Idea as a
unity and what it molds must come to unity as far as multiplicity may. And on what has thus been compacted to
unity, Beauty enthrones itself, giving itself to the parts as to the sum...This,
then, is how the material thing becomes beautiful‑‑by communicating
in the thought that flows from the divine. Beauty is the
"outcome of unification" (I:6:3) On perception of
beauty: Eneead 1, Tractate 6, chapter 3 So with the
perceptive faculty: discerning in
certain objects the Ideal-From which has bound and controlled shapeless gathers into unity what still remains fragmentary...and presents it
to the Ideal-Principle as something concordant and congenial... ... And the harmonies unheard in sound create
the harmonies we hear and wake the soul to the consciousness of beauty, showing
it the one essence in another kind; for the measures of our sensible music are
not arbitrary but are determined by the Principle whose labor is to dominate Matter
and bring pattern into being. |