Structural keys and their organization determine the global harmonic organization of tonal music, and the
placement and weighting of different cadences within those keys determine the local harmonic
organization. The global and local harmonic design is filled out with different sized melodic units that
orient and guide active listening as the music unfolds. The following paragraphs take up three categories of
melodic unit: motive, phrase, period.
Phrase The normal length of phrases in tonal music is four measures, but length is variable. In a slow tempo, it might be two measures, in a fast tempo, eight. Phrases are often grouped in pairs to create larger units (as in a "period"), though not necessarily (as in a "phrase group"). Because consecutive phrases are generally associated in some fashion, a phrase can generally be understood only in light of its relationship to surrounding ones.[4]
Period The contrasting, complementary cadences are the definitive feature of a period, not the melodic content of the two phrases. However, the melodic content does, of course, influence the nature of the period. If the melodic content of the two phrases is similar, perhaps nearly identical (except for their endings, to allow for the contrasting cadences), it is a parallel period, if dissimilar, a contrasting period. [NOTE: For examples of a parallel period, see the class anthology, p. 4, excerpts 13 (Mozart) and 15 (Schumann). For examples of a modulating period, see p. 1, excerpt 4 (Haydn), and page 8, excerpt 24, mm. 1-8 (Mozart).] Sometimes, four phrases are grouped together in two pairs such that the cadence at the end of the first pair is less conclusive than the one at the end of the second pair, whose cadence is the most conclusive of all. Such a complementary arrangment of two phrase pairs is called a double period. [NOTE: Examples appear in the class anthology, p. 6, excerpt 20, and p. 9, excerpt 25 (both by Mozart).] Composers may expand phrases and periods by various means, e.g. by repeating a melodic fragment, a measure or measures within a phrase or appending something to it, by lengthening rhythmic values in such repetitions, and so forth. Ignoring such expansions for analytical purposes, we often find that long phrases (longer than the established norm) reduce down to the expected length (e.g. four measures).
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1. Wallace Berry, Form in Music, 2nd ed. (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:
Prentice-Hall, 1986), 2.
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2. Berry, Form in Music, 4.
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3. Peter Spencer and Peter M. Temko, A Practical Approach to the Study of Form in
Music (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1988), 34.
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4. Berry, Form in Music, 11.
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5. The textbooks by Berry and Spencer/Temko cited
in footnotes 1 and 3 are useful guides for learning about
traditional forms in tonal music.
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