Instructor: Professor Lee A. Rothfarb
Office Hours: Monday, Friday, 9-10 a.m.
Office: Room 1125
Class meetings: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 11:00-11:50 p.m.,
Room 2230
Required material: Reader available at the UCen Bookstore
Course Objective
To familiarize students with the fundamentals of two and three-part counterpoint, that is, of writing two and three simultaneous, complimentary melodic lines--in styles from ca. 1550 to the late 1700's, by
- studying relevant excerpts and musical examples from historical treatises and repertoires from ca. 900-1730; and
- doing written exercises in species (strict) counterpoint and its extensions in florid counterpoint
Daily assignments: 70%
Mid-term examination: 15%
Final examination: 15%